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This Agreement defines the terms and conditions of use of the website https://actpro.com.ua/ and its applications (hereinafter referred to as the Website).
The Agreement is concluded between the User and the sole proprietor Feltov M.G. (hereinafter referred to as the Administration), who owns the Website, and regulates the use of the Website, its subdomains, programmes at the disposal and management of the Administration, services provided by the Administration through the Website and programmes.
1.1. Website. https://actpro.com.ua/ provides users with a certain range of services, including, but not limited to: news, information, reference resources, online training programmes, etc.
1.2. Services provided to the Website Users https://actpro.com.ua/ in accordance with the terms of this User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).
1.3. The use of the Website indicates the User’s accession to this Agreement and his/her acceptance of all its terms and conditions.
1.4. Only a person who has accepted all the terms and conditions of this Agreement is allowed to use the Website and the Apps.
1.5. The User is obliged to carefully read the terms of this Agreement before using the Website and the Programs.
1.6. A person who does not agree to the terms of this Agreement (in whole or in part) may not be a User of the Website. Such person is prohibited from using the Site or the Programmes, including, but not limited to, any information posted on the Site and any services provided through the Site and the Programmes.
1.7. This Agreement is a contract of adhesion in accordance with the provisions of Article 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. By visiting our Website and working with its content, you fully accept the terms of this Agreement, confirm your familiarity with them and undertake to comply with them.
2.1. The administration (the owner of the Website) – performs certain administrative functions to monitor the performance of the Website, the server hosting the Website, the Website equipment and programmes, is engaged in the “development” of the Website, maintains traffic statistics, performs the duties of a content manager, ensuring timely updating of information.
2.2. The user — a person using the Website.
2.3. The User Agreement — this Agreement, as well as all subsequent amendments and supplements thereto.
2.4. Information on the Website – any information posted on the Website, including notifications, data regardless of the form of their submission, results (objects) of intellectual activity, as well as other data, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. The use of information on the Website by any means is allowed only subject to the restrictions established by the current legislation of Ukraine and this Agreement.
2.5. Information messages — any information that does not contradict the legislation of Ukraine, which may be provided to Users solely for the purpose of informing and/or training.
2.6. Website. — a web page available on the Internet, which is a set of intellectual property objects, including, but not limited to: software (computer programs), graphic design, databases, information in text, graphic, sound and any other form located in the domain zone: actpro.com.ua.
2.7. Use of the Website — use of the Website for its functional and intended purpose as permitted by this Agreement, in particular, downloading the Website pages, using its resources.
2.8. Purposeful use of the Website — obtaining training and reference information, participating in training programmes aimed at improving the level of knowledge in the field of information technology.
2.9. Programmes (application programs) – software products that can be used on the Website by the Administration for the full functioning of the Website and the User’s participation in it.
2.10. Partners – any individuals or legal entities related to the Administration by contractual relations, who are granted the right to post information on the Website that does not contradict the law and the purposes of the Website, and whose Information Messages (including Information Messages published on their behalf or in their interests) may be displayed and/or sent to the Users.
2.11. Education — voluntary paid participation of the User in the online training programme for the chosen course of study.
2.12. Cookie – a piece of data generated by the Website and stored in the User’s computer (browser) in the form of one or more files. Cookies do not contain Personal Data and can be blocked by the User at any time.
3.1. The Administration allows the User to view and download information from the Website solely for educational and informational purposes, for personal non-commercial use.
3.2. It is forbidden to modify the materials of the Site or distribute them for any purpose not provided for by this Agreement.
3.3. Any use of information from the Website on other websites, resources or computer networks is prohibited.
3.4. The information and Services that the User receives through the Website are provided for educational and informational purposes only, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
3.5. The information and Services received by the User through the Website may be used by the User in professional activities, for the purpose of providing consultations and/or services in the field of information technology, but the User shall be solely responsible for such services and/or consultations or their consequences.
3.6. Users are responsible for their own assessment and perception of the information obtained from the Website and for its use.
3.7. Users are responsible for compliance with the laws of Ukraine when using the Website.
3.8. The Website may contain links to other websites or resources of third parties. The Administration is not responsible for such websites and resources, in particular, for their availability and for the legality, completeness and correctness of the information disseminated on them.
4.1. General use of the Website is open and accessible and does not require registration on the Website.
4.2. Only Users who have paid for such training and provided the Administration with the additional information required to participate in the online training shall have access to the online training programmes on the Website.
4.3. The Administration shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to restrict the Users’ access to certain sections of the Website, as well as to limit the possibilities of using the Website.
5.1. When using the Website, the User and the Administration shall comply with the current legislation of Ukraine and the terms of this Agreement.
5.2. Rights and obligations of the User
5.2.1. The User may use the Website only within the limits of those rights and in the ways established by this Agreement and other rules posted by the Administration on the Website.
5.2.2. The User is prohibited from using the Website:
5.3. Rights and obligations of the Administration
5.3.1. The Administration has the right to take any further action without notice:
5.3.2. The administration undertakes:
6.1. The Administration cannot guarantee the reliability, correctness, accuracy, detail, completeness of the information posted on the Website by third parties, Partners, other Users and is not responsible for the posting of such information.
6.2. The Administration does not guarantee that any information or services on the Website will meet the personal expectations and requirements of the Users and/or will bring the result expected by the User.
6.3. The Administration shall not be liable to the Users and third parties for possible consequences of their use of the Website.
6.4. Users agree that they use the Website at their own risk and under their own responsibility.
6.5. The Administration shall not be liable for any damages (including loss of money, connections, reputation, potential profits, other intangible losses, any special or indirect damages) caused, including but not limited to, as a result of:
6.6. The Administration shall also not be liable for any damage caused to the User’s computer equipment or other property, as well as for possible infection with viruses, loss of data as a result of visiting the Website, using the Website and information, downloading information by the User, and shall not be liable in connection with the above.
6.7. The Administration reserves the right to terminate the operation of the Website at any time without notice and without incurring any obligations in this regard.
7.1 All rights to the Website belong to the Administration.
7.2 The Parties have agreed that all information and training materials, as well as techniques, methods and methods, in any format (images, videos, logos, graphics, sounds, etc.) that became known to the User in connection with the use of the Website, are protected by copyright.
7.3. The Parties have agreed that all intellectual property objects, all and any exclusive property rights shall be fully owned by the Administration from the moment of creation of such objects.
7.4. The Administration also uses intellectual property rights that may belong to other persons on the basis of an appropriate licence, agreement or other legal basis.
7.5. The Administration grants the User a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-sublicensable licence to use the intellectual property rights objects in order to fulfil the terms of this Agreement. The Administration does not transfer any intellectual property rights to such objects and does not grant permission to use them for purposes other than those specified in this Agreement.
8.1. If, while using the Website, the User in any way becomes aware of information regarding the Administration, other Users, Partners, third parties, which in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine is classified as confidential and/or trade secrets, the User is prohibited from storing, using and disseminating such information.
9.1. Cookies are used only for the purposes specified in this Agreement.
9.2. Cookies are small text files that the Website sends to the Users’ terminals, where they are stored to be sent to the same Website during subsequent visits by the same User (so-called first-party cookies).
9.3. While navigating the Website, the User may also receive cookies from third-party websites or web servers (so-called third-party cookies) on their terminal. These are cookies that are set by a website other than actpro.com.ua. This is because the website you visit may contain images, maps, sounds, links to web pages on other domains that are located on servers other than the one on which the page of the Site is located.
9.4. Some cookies are valid from the moment the User logs in to the Site until the end of this particular session in the browser (such cookies are called session cookies). When you close, these files are automatically deleted. Cookies can also have a pre-set expiry date, in which case they will remain stored and active on the user’s hard drive until the expiry date, continuing to collect information during different sessions (these are called persistent cookies).
9.5. Cookies are used for various purposes. Some of them are necessary for the user to be able to browse the Website (e.g. technical cookies) and use its functions (functional cookies). Інші файли cookie використовуються для збору статистичних даних, інформації про кількість користувачів, які відвідують Сайт та про користувальницькі переваги (аналітичні файли cookie). Some cookies are used to obtain information for advertising purposes and to display advertisements on the Website that may be of interest to the user because they match their tastes and preferences (e.g. profiling cookies).
9.6. Types of cookies used on the Website:
– technical cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the Website;
– functional cookies that allow you to use the Website according to the selected criteria, provide a more individual approach and simplify the use of the Website;
– analytical third-party cookies that allow us to understand user preferences. These cookies do not collect information about the user or their personal data; all information is processed in aggregate in an anonymous form.
– third-party profiling cookies (cookies of websites or web servers other than the Website), which are used by third parties to obtain information for advertising purposes, according to user preferences.
9.7. The user can authorise, block or delete (in whole or in part) cookies using certain functions of his/her web browser. Please note that if all or some technical cookies are disabled, the display of pages and the instructions for using the Site may be limited or not function properly.
9.8. For more information on the processing of personal data, please refer to the Consent to the processing of personal data.
10.1. The Administration has the right to make changes to this Agreement. All amendments to the Agreement will be made available in the form of a new version of the Agreement.
10.2. All amendments to the Agreement shall become effective upon their publication on the Website.
10.3. By using the services or the Website, the User confirms acceptance of the new terms of the Agreement in the version effective at the time of use of the services or the Website.
10.4. The User grants the Administration the right to send him/her messages containing information about the Website, services or advertising information.
10.5. In case of invalidation or unenforceability of any part of this Agreement, the remaining parts of the Agreement shall remain in force.
10.6. The waiver by either Party of any term or condition of this Agreement, or any breach thereof, shall not invalidate such term or condition.
10.7. The Website is provided by the Administration in the form “as is”. The Administration does not guarantee the compliance of the Website with the goals and expectations of the User, its uninterrupted and error-free operation.
10.8. The Administration may at any time without notice to the User assign its rights under this Agreement to a third party.
10.9. The legislation of Ukraine shall apply to this Agreement and to the legal relations between the Administration and the User arising in connection with the use of the Website. Each party irrevocably agrees that the relevant courts of Ukraine shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claims, disputes or disagreements relating to the Agreement and the use of the Website.
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