Roman Savin. "Testing the Dot Com, or the Guide to Abusing the Rich in Internet Startups".
It’s better to start with this book because it reads in one breath, is very light and exciting. But most importantly, it provides a basic understanding of the most important processes.
Sviatoslav Kulikov. "Software Testing. Basic course"
This book is more complicated, but it will perfectly complement the knowledge gained earlier. There’s a lot of terminology here that you need to understand – by the way, it will come in handy during the interview for a QA position.
Sam Kaner, Jack Falk "Software Testing"
As many testers joke, Kaner is to some extent a “testing Bible” that was written a long time ago because the truths never get old. Прочитати буде складно, тому що нудно (хоч на укр, хоч на англ), але якщо подужаєте — повагу і шану, а також гарне уявлення про те, що взагалі роблять люди в розробці ПЗ, і де там зокрема тестувальники.
Lee Copeland. “A Practitioner’s Guide to Software Test Design”
The training book is in English, but it is very easy to read. At the end of each chapter, you can find self-testing exercises. The best guide to test design. In addition, you will find an easy-to-understand description of testing techniques, complete with simple and real-life examples.
James Whittaker. “Exploratory software testing”
Another great book in English. It will help beginners not to look for bugs for luck, but to apply a certain, competent approach. But it is also suitable for more advanced testers. The book opens up testing from a new angle and helps you get rid of the blurred vision effect.
ActPro IT Training Centre will provide all the necessary knowledge for employment in this specialisation.
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