Paid vs free training

Free training::


+ No financial costs. Probably the biggest plus. The only thing you will have to sacrifice is your time.

+ Huge selection of themes and formats. Many trainers and courses offer open lessons, excerpts of lectures, books, blogs, master classes – so much that the eyes run wild. There are also video formats, books, and podcasts.


– A lot of low-quality material. There is a lot to choose from quantitatively, but quality often suffers, because many blogs are not always considered copy-paste from other resources. A lot of outdated information.

– Haphazardness. Usually, free materials will not be able to help you master the topics step by step. There may be a lot of useful material on some issues, while on others you will find only a few articles. And it is not clear where to start, how best to build your training programme.

– Lack of feedback. If you have any questions during the course, no one will be able to answer them.

General conclusion!

Free courses help you keep yourself in shape when you are just starting to learn the profession. But if you already have experience and knowledge, you will have to look for something longer, because specialists rarely share in-depth professional skills for free. So if you need the basics, this is a great option to understand whether you really want to develop in your chosen field, what basic knowledge you lack for, for example, a successful career change.

Paid training:


+ Structured information. All materials are divided into topics, they create a single scheme from the beginning of training to the end. You see progress, you feel that the level of knowledge is increasing. What is given superficially on free courses, will be told in full on paid courses.

+ Feedback. Your mentor will answer all questions, so you can clarify any nuances for yourself much faster than Google and moving from one link to another. Especially since he already has practical experience and can get an answer that is not based only on theory from textbooks.

+ Professional value. After paid courses, you will be issued a certificate with which you can get a job. You will increase your value as a professional by taking advanced training courses.


– The price. Sometimes the price tag for courses is very expensive, so you need to be careful when choosing a study program in order not to waste money.

– Difficulty in searching. Good courses always have a queue of people who want to get into them, so you need to keep an eye on the announcements of sets.

General conclusion!

Paid courses are suitable for those who want to delve deeply into the topic, get advice from practicing experts or are aiming to change the field of activity.

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