What does a programmer need to work comfortably? Now we will tell you what things you need to buy for comfortable work. Nowadays, it is obvious that special computer desks are not needed; a simple high-quality tabletop and stable legs are enough. Most often, programmers want this from their desks: A wide and thick table top so that it doesn't bend under monitors, because you're likely to have more than…
What does a programmer need to work comfortably? Now we will tell you what things you need to buy for comfortable work. Nowadays, it is obvious that special computer desks are not needed; a simple high-quality tabletop and stable legs are enough. Most often,…
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Roman Savin. "Testing the Dot Com, or the Guide to Abusing the Rich in Internet Startups". It's better to start with this book because it reads in one breath, is very light and exciting. But most importantly, it provides a basic understanding of the most…
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